
Quality Assurance 

Its one thing to have policies in place – it’s more important again to ensure that these policies are actually delivered on site.

The quality of the service we are able to deliver reflects the quality of our people.  All our employees arnd project members are training thoroughly on our quality policies and procedures.  They are then regulary monitored and audited for compliance to our quality standards.

Environmental Management

Cleaning Services Group is committed to improving sustainability performance of the organisation through promoting a culture of sustainability, managing our operations in a manner that minimises our environmental and social impact and enabling the integration of sustainability principles and practics in our day to day activities.   This commitment is demonstrated through:

  • Ensuring sustainability is reflected in CSG’s strategic documents
  • Developing and annual Sustainability Reporting Framework
  • Providing training and support to staff to adopt sustainability practices to achieve sustainable behaviour change within the work place.
  • Partnering with clients and community to respond to the needs for a sustainable future and to provide leadership within our industry.
  • Fostering a culture of sustainability and reducing our ecological footprint.

Health & Safety

CSG recognises its responsibility to provide a safe work environment for our clients, our employees, project members and the wider public.  Risk management is fundamental to our operations.  A rigorous Occupational Health and Safety Program underpins our entire organisation.  We train our employees and project members to appreciate risk management and to identify potential hazards.

While our systems are an excellent foundation to meet our client’s needs, we are currently implementing quality management programs for:

  • ISO 9001 – Quality Assurance
  • AS/NSZ 4801 – Occupational Health Safety and Risk Management
  • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management